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Our Programs

Creative Assistance and Development (CAD) works with local communities and partners in order to find sustainable solutions to improve the living standards of communities. We focus  on reaching those most vulnerable in various sectors, including Education, Health and Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Food security and Livelihoods , Protection and community outreach programmes, and to thus contribute to the ultimate goal of our organization to end poverty through implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in all our areas of operation.


Education empowers, however, Somali children in particular the most marginalized and those affected by humanitarian situations lack access to free, quality and equitable education. Through our interventions, Creative Assistance and Development (CAD) ensures that all girls and boys have access to inclusive, quality and equitable education. CAD also ensure that vulnerable children, especially girls are retained in schools through intervention such as provision of sanitary kits, providing incentives to teachers, training on life skills education, provision of teaching and learning materials. 


With an infant mortality rate of currently 132/1,000 live births and a maternal mortality rate of 1,600/100,000 live births, Somalia’s health indicators continue to be some of the worst in the world.

Undernourishment, lack of potable water, no sanitation infrastructure and life-threatening diseases such as diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis, malaria and measles are only some of the hardships that most Somali children have to put up with.

Creative Assistance and Development (CAD) enhances access to quality and range of health care services provided including comprehensive maternal and child health care services through our intervention such as advocacy for acceleration of immunization programmes, promotion of curative and preventive child health diseases, enhanced service delivery and capacity strengthening of health and nutrition workers to provide Infant and Young Child Counselling (IYCF) services as per national standards.


Access to adequate, safe and clean water is fundamental human rights as articulated in various international legal instruments such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Additionally, the UNSCR 64/292 explicitly recognizes the human right to water and sanitation and acknowledges that clean drinking water and sanitation are essential to the realisation of all human rights. However, in Somalia poor sanitation systems, lack of access to safe drinking water and poor hygiene contributes to mortality and morbidity from waterborne diseases such as cholera and acute water diarrhoea.

Creative Assistance and Development (CAD) works with local communities in order to improve their access to adequate, clean and safe water for human and domestic use as well as hygiene and sanitation services. CAD also partners with local communities, especially the most vulnerable to establish, rehabilitate and upgrade WASH infrastructure, foster safer environments, build appropriate solid waste management systems, water drainage and reduce the spread of disease-carrying vectors.


The protracted armed conflict in Somalia which continues unabated for over three decades coupled with humanitarian crisis, conflict, severe economic decline and limited availability of essential public services have taken an enormous toll on Somali population, exacerbating the existing vulnerabilities, with high impact on loss of livelihoods.

Creative Assistance and Development (CAD) works with the crisis-affected communities in order to reduce their vulnerability and strengthen their resilience to care for and protect children through creation of employment opportunities and to sustainable access to essential food security interventions that boosts productivity of farmers through innovative technology transfer and to address emergency food security needs.


Somali youth are highly vulnerable and economically marginalized lot. Through our youth empowerment interventions such as access to demand-driven vocational skill training and business development services, we empower them in order to enhance their employability and access to sustainable income.


In emergencies such as floods, famine and man-made disasters, children and women are disproportionately affected. Usually, vulnerable children and women are subjected to sexual and gender-based violence. Cases of unaccompanied and separated children and those subjected to worst forms of child labour exists.

Creative Assistance and Development (CAD) in collaboration with the affected communities and local authorities focus on reducing vulnerability and enhancing the resilience of crisis-affected families and community in Somalia to care for and protect children through creation of employment opportunities and to sustainable access to basic service including psychosocial counselling, family tracing and family reunification.

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